Councillor Simon Bridge Portfolio Holder for Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces at Wyre Council, Jenifer Phillips, Chair of the Thornton Action Group and Mark Fenton Parks and Open Spaces Manager at Wyre Council.
Improvements begin at King George’s playing field as the first phase of improvements began at the end of June.
The work is being funded using monies received by Wyre Council via a Section 106 agreement from an adjacent housing development and a grant of £30,000 from the Lancashire Environmental Fund, received earlier this year.
Work started on Monday 25th June and it is anticipated that construction of this first phase will be completed by late summer. This phase of work will include construction of the first section of the trail alongside Royles Brook, which includes areas for play and gym equipment, seating and planting. The path will run from the footbridge and connect the paths off Fleetwood Road North.
The playing field forms a vast area of public open space at the heart of Thornton. Last year those who use the site and live locally were invited to share their ideas on how the area could be improved. Wyre Council then created proposals based on feedback that would allow more people in the local community to make greater use of the playing field.
Dedicated to the memory of King George V, the playing fields were first formed in the 1930s before being further developed under the design direction of the famous Thomas Mawson practice in the 1960s.
Councillor Simon Bridge, Portfolio Holder for Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces at Wyre Council comments, ‘It’s great to see the work beginning and you can already see how the trail is going to look. It’s really going to enhance what is already here at the playing fields.’
Jenifer Phillips, Chair of the Thornton Action Group also comments, ‘Green open spaces like these playing fields are so important and provide the opportunity for improved mental and physical wellbeing for adults and children. It’s very exciting to watch this phase of improvements begin! It’s nice to see people walking around the playing fields, having a look at the developments and realising that things are starting to happen.’
Wyre Council is now busy working on funding bids for further drainage work, improvement of the brook and to extend the trail.