Wyre Council has extended their weight management programme with Slimming World so that you can now sign up for free without having to go through your GP.
If you’re looking to lose weight and give your health a boost, this free 12 week weight management programme might be just the ticket.
So far, over 300 people have signed up and have lost on average 13.8lbs throughout the programme.
You no longer need a referral from your health professional and provided you meet the criteria you can sign up online at www.wyre.gov.uk/weightmanagement or call into a local meeting to find out more.
Terence O’Neill from Poulton is 75 and has lost two stone since joining Wyre’s free Slimming World programme. He said: “I was initially sceptical about joining Slimming World as I have had weight problems for many years and never been able to lose any significant weight and keep it off. However, as my local GP practice was promoting the free 12 week membership I decided it was a no brainer and took up the offer. I have health problems that losing weight would help with.
“Since completing the programme I have decided to renew my membership. I am feeling a lot better health wise and can walk a lot further and for longer, weather permitting!
“All in all the sessions are a great help especially when I feel a bit down. I would recommend anyone who has a weight problem and may be a bit reluctant to join, to give it a try. I was not expecting it to be of great benefit to me but it has exceeded my initial thoughts and hopes.”
Councillor Lynne Bowen, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Health and Community Engagement at Wyre Council comments, “It’s great to see that so many people have been able to improve their health and make real progress by joining our free programme with Slimming World.
“The friendly nature of the groups mean that you get more than just advice on weight management, you get to meet like-minded people in your local community who are all working towards better health and wellbeing. It is now even easier for you to join our programme so it’s the perfect time to get started.”
Read more and find your local Slimming World group at www.wyre.gov.uk/weightmanagement